“I believe the most effective way to promote safe anaesthesia is through effective education amongst colleagues and trainees. I have provided extensive notes to prepare for the ANZCA primary and fellowship examinations. I trust these will be helpful for your anaesthetic training, practice and teaching.”
Primary Exam revision
Please note:
My Primary examination revision notes are up to date as of 2011. I will endeavour to update these notes.
These notes have not been prepared for official publication. Hence, there may be information which is not up to date. If you identify an error or misinformation, or would like to leave feedback, please email me. I am always learning!
The currently available notes do not include diagrams. I am in the process of compiling these to supplement the notes.
These revision notes should not replace official guidelines for clinical practice.
These notes remain the sole property of Dr Matthew Ho. No portion of these resources may be reproduced by any process without the express permission of Dr Ho. The notes may be kept for personal use but please do not distribute them or use them inappropriately.
Good luck with your studies!
Primary Exam notes: